5 Good Reasons Snowbirds Head to Florida for the Winter

Lots of people say they love snow and winter sports, and we have to agree it is pretty to look at. But do you know anyone who loves to shovel snow from their driveway before they can leave for work? How about scraping ice from their windshield? Outrageous heating bills? Frozen pipes? Chains on tires? Frostbite?
   Those are just some of the reasons people who live in northern states come to dread winter. Especially after they retire, people want to take life easy and indulge in more leisure activities. Here are five great reasons many people elect to become Florida’s “unofficial” state bird: The Snowbird.
1. No snow. Sell that snow blower and give away that snow shovel. They’ll just collect dust in      your garage here.
2. No enormous heating bills. Florida is not a state where you turn your heat on in October and leave it on until May. In January, the average temperatures in Central Florida are 71/49. Many days you won’t need to use your heater at all!
3. Winter doesn’t last 6 months.  Even when winter does show up, the ‘cold snap’ usually           only lasts a few days. In Central Florida, freezing temperatures are infrequent.
4. Beaches. Central Florida is conveniently located midway between the Atlantic Ocean and         Gulf of Mexico. Many days in winter are mild enough to enjoy a visit to the seashore. You could literally visit both coasts in the same day. In fact, it’s a Floridian’s   unofficial rite of passage to watch the sun rise over the Atlantic and set over the Gulf   of Mexico on the same day. There’s nowhere else on the U.S. mainland you can accomplish that feat!
5. Theme Parks. They’re less crowded in the winter (excluding holidays) and the grandchildren will want to come visit.

     Colleen Donlevy-Burns is an expert in helping people find winter homes and investment properties, so you can begin enjoying the myriad activities available all season long. The only snow you’ll have to deal with is TV coverage of blizzards ‘back home.’ Call her today and put her to work for you! (407) 325-2873


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